Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Genocide in Laos During the Vietnam War - 582 Words
A genocide that is still currently happening is the one in Laos which is the result of the Vietnam War. It was a war against the communist North and the democratic South with the help of the U.S. The U.S got involved because they want to prevent the spread of communism, which is known as the â€Å"domino theory†where if a surrounding country falls into the ideology of †¦ then the rest will fall with it. The leader of North Vietnam was Ho Chi Minh, a strong dictator that managed to get support of his people. He states that the South was being used as a puppet state by the American. A lot of American dislikes this war and many oppose it, however many Americans don’t know that there was actually another war going on known as the Secret War. In the early 1960 with the war happening in Vietnam, American troops were landing in the outskirts of Laos, where at that time between 300,000 – 400,000 hill side villagers were living; these people were known as Hmong. Wit hout much knowledge of the location, and with the guerilla warfare used by the Vietcong, the CIA recruited the Hmongs to help counter the Vietcong and to block off the Ho Chi Minh Trail, this war was known as the Secret War. This caused the war to eventually be pushed into Laos which was a neutral nation at the time. In return, the U.S promised to provide supply and support; however the Hmong were simply fighting for their freedom to live peacefully. When the U.S pulled out of the war, the communist were able to take over theShow MoreRelatedEssay about The Secret War in Laos: Why Was It a Secret?1635 Words  | 7 Pagesknow. In the beginning of the Vietnam War, Laos was declared a neutral zone at a conference in Geneva by the United States and the Soviet Union (Jones, 2007). As the disputes about Laos’ future government structure continued, the United States believed it was time to take action and continue their fight against communism (Young; Buzzanco, 2006). 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